Finally......after over one month, a few hundred dollars, a coordinated phone call between Audi Japan and Audi Germany and four temporary tires and wheels mounted on our car (Audi Japan would not accept our non-standard 'hotrod' wheels and tires into their 'garage'), not to mention the 4+ hours my husband spent dealing with all this today, I finally have my own car key to our 'new-old' car!
This is surely the 'spiffiest' car key I've ever had. I still believe there is alot to be said for older cars, when things were simpler, like for example, when you needed an extra car key, you just went to the hardware store and got one cut for a buck or two.
However, our Audi is super fun. Perhaps slightly impractical, yet a realistic compromise instead of the convertible TT, which is the car that really made us fall in love with Audi. We rented a TT in Las Vegas in 2002 and never forgot how much fun it was! We really liked our Mitsubishi Diamante that we had for about 9 years but it was heading down hill fast and it was time to get something else. Being that my husband and I both love driving, we opted for a little more FUN for our money this time (sure hope I don't end up getting a ticket).
Since it is a wagon, we are hoping to be able to take some road trips together with our Daisy and enjoy driving and the outdoors alittle more.
Here are some photos of our new toy. It is officially, a 2004 Audi A4 Quattro 1.8 Turbo S-line wagon (whew that's a mouthful!). The color is Dolphin Grey with black and grey interior.

Come on over and I will take you for a ride!