Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Could Daisy be Underdog's girlfriend? 「デイジーはアンダードッグの恋人になれる?」

Lemon Beagle Miss Daisy Ipo wearing a lei

Disney has a new movie coming out (to be released in August in USA). It's called Underdog. My mother asked me yesterday "is Underdog a lemon Beagle"? Does he look like our "Miss Daisy Ipo" lemon Beagle? So I checked out Disney's website today and sure enough, that doggie looks like a lemon Beagle. His coloring looks alittle darker (a tad more red) than Daisy though it was hard to get a good look from just the trailer.

Daisy watched the movie trailer with me and then wanted to take some pictures with a pretty lei on so that maybe Underdog might take a shine to her. She thinks the relationship with Sweet Polly Purebred won't last and Underdog can find true Beagle love with "Miss Daisy", a real lemon Beagle.

Here she is in some poses in a little photo shoot from this afternoon. Putting on the charm there girl! Daisy says "Underdog, forget about Sweet Polly Purebred! Will you be my forever ku'uipo?"

Do you think she would make a good girlfriend for Underdog?
Don't forget you can click on the photos to enlarge them.......

Underdog, where are you? Care for a little roll in the Dichondra?

Here's my sexiest "Marilyn" pose....Underdog, I'm the girl for you!
I'm young but a dignified and sophisticated lady!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sushi-den in Toyota City, Nagoya area 「豊田市の美味しいお寿司屋さん」

While in Nagoya for the exhibition at Art Space Sou (see previous post), as always, I stayed at my friend Miki's home (beadmaker Miki). Miki's husband, Mr. Miyano is an artist too. He designs cars for Lexus. They are always great hosts(ess) and we all enjoy going out together in the evenings. They have taken me to some great restaurants in their neighborhood in Toyota City (the city that Toyota Motors built, adjacent to Nagoya).

Myself with Mr. and Mrs. Miyano

One of my favorite places they have taken me, is the sushi restaurant called Sushi-den. The owners there are great, and will try their hardest to make exactly what you like, even for a crazy foreigner like me. They always have some of the best quality fish! This time I was gorging myself on the ono Maguro they had! I also love to drink the sake with dried Fugu (blowfish) fins in it, which is lit on fire before you start to drink it. Mr. Miyano suggests some good drinks, being the connoisseur of adult beverages that he is!

So this time, when I said I wanted to take a picture, the owners of Sushi-den had me get behind the counter for a photo opp. Here are the pics...if you ever get to Toyota-shi, be sure to stop in and tell them the Miyano's friend Terri sent you! Be prepared for a delicious, fun, friendly and relaxing evening.....they really make you feel at home.


9-8-15 Higashiumetubo
, Aichi-ken (prefecture)
phone: 0565 36 0806

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Gallery Art Space Sou, Opening day - July 2007 Exhibition 「アートスペース創さんでの展覧会初日 2007年7月」

Here are some photos from the opening day/weekend of my showing at the gallery Art Space Sou in Nagoya, Japan. This is my favorite show every year. Gallery owner Etoh-san always makes it fun for all with her cheerful and elegant style and her customers are great. I get to spend some time with my dear friend Miki who is a famous lampwork bead maker in Japan. She also shows her beads at this show every year, along with her friend Naomi, who it is also nice to see at this show every year! Naomi had made some cute beads with fish on them, they are called Amago fishes. I like the necklace with the fish in 3 pieces, head, body and tail. Very creative! (click on the photo below to enlarge).

Opening day was busy this year and the weekend was in full swing with customers waiting to see what was new for this year. The show runs for 8 days this year. It was sad to leave on Sunday afternoon as I had a great time seeing everyone again! Some of my regular customers even spoke to me in english a bit this year...maybe they have been studying! I am already looking forward to next year.

Starting off these photos, is a little movie of the bullet train (Shinkansen) pulling out of Nagoya station. This is an older bullet train, the newer ones look even cooler.

Video of Shinkansen/Bullet Train (click on the play arrow)

Art Space Sou/Front of building

Gallery Sign Board

Gallery Interior
Naomi Kazawa overseeing the customers
Princess T display/table 1

Princess T display/table 2

Beautiful Beads by Miki Miyano

Amago Fish Beads by Naomi Kazawa

Gallery Owner Etoh-san and myself

Myself with Miki (right) and friend Satomi-san (left)