Monday, July 7, 2008

Sora, a most fortunate kitten

This is Sora. He belongs to my friends, the Miyano family in Toyota City (near Nagoya). I was visiting with them this weekend when I went to my show (exhibition) at Art Space Sou, which began on this past Saturday.

Sora was rescued shortly after he was born. It seems his mother was a stray cat and that she abandoned her kittens. Some of Sora's brother's and sisters didn't make it, but the Miyano family kindly took Sora in and hand fed him for the first 2 weeks they had him. He had to be fed with a kind of medicine dropper with a special formula since he was too weak to even drink/eat from a bottle. But after the 2 weeks, he started eating on his own and has gotten stronger and stronger. Now he is a very robust kitten who will be 3 months old soon. He is very loved and well cared for by his family. He is a very lucky little kitten!

I had alot of fun playing with him. He thinks he is a big and vicious lion! He really enjoys to tear into you with his needle-like teeth if you aren't paying attention, like any kitten his age. When he is being calm and relaxed, he starts purring right away when he sees you.

Aren't his markings adorable? I especially like the black spot that is right on the end of his chin. He is a real sweetie and I really enjoyed him. It's been a while since I've been able to spend time with a small kitten.

Sora in a mid-air jump trying to reach the fuzzy pink toy we were playing with.

One of Sora's first pictures when he was quite small.


1 comment:

  1. To me the black spot
    looks like a beard.

    And with her yellow-eye
    stare really looks weird.

    When grown to a lioness
    indeed, she'll be feared
